施坚雅教授(G.William Skinner)系美国国家科学院院士、戴维斯加州大学人类学系教授,于2008年10月26日因病逝世,享年83岁。施坚雅教授一生致立于人类学、人口学和历史经济区划等研究,著述斗盛,在国际学术界享有崇高的声誉。
施坚雅教授著有《东南亚华人》(1951),《社会科学与泰国》(主编,1956,泰、英文版),《泰国的华人社会史》(1957,1973日文版),《泰国华人社团的领导和权力》(1958,1961日文版,1979国际大学微缩版),《两个世界间的中国城市》(与Mark Elvin合编,1974),《中华帝国晚期的城市》(主编,1979,2000中译本)等,并发表大量研究中国社会、经济结构、社会科学研究、农村和农民、人口、民族、海外华人的论文,包括著名的《中国农村的市场和社会结构》(一、二、三部分分别刊登于《亚洲研究学刊》24卷第1、2、3期,1964年11月-1965年5月;1998年中国社会科学出版社中译本,另有日、韩译本),还发表过研究泰国社会、华人,印尼华人,日本江户时代家庭结构等方面的论 文和大量书评。
In memory of G. William Skinner, 1923-2008
October 26, 2008
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great sadness that I write to inform. you that G. William Skinner passed away last night.
During the past months, when it became apparent that he would not recover, Bill devoted much of his energy to ensuring that his work would not be lost. He arranged with Bill Lavely for his research on demography to be transferred to the University of Washington. His GIS datasets and related research projects will be given to Harvard, where they will be located in the Spatial Analysis Project at the Fairbank Center. Lex Berman and I, with advice from Mark Henderson and Bill Lavely,
will do our best to see that his materials are preserved and made available to scholars.
The CHGIS project would not have been possible without Bill's support. Even today his application of spatial analysis to the study of Chinese, Japanese, and French society remains among the most sophisticated research in the field. We are all in his debt.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Bol |