不管怎样,在这个不景气的年头,ANNUAL DINNER取消了,ENTERTAINMENT BUDGET缩水了,新员工招聘也被FROZEN的形势下,有多0.5个月的薪水,看来大家心情都还不错类.既然少了0.5个月的薪水,过年就多呆家里少出去花钱,杜绝奢糜,须知不能开源,惟有靠节流了.
Dear all,
HR will arrange to pay the 13.5th bonus with Jan.2009 salary together this month, the maximum payment should be half month salary based on the salary amount of Dec.2008, pls kindly give us your confirmation with the percentage of 100%,75%, 50%, 25%, 0% into the the excel file ( the total bonus= 50%* Dec.2008 monthly salary * the pro rata * your proposed percentage) , and it can be judged by below perspective:
Condition of 13.5th bonus:
1) Qualifying period:
01/02 /2008 - 31/01/2009. i.e the same as our financial year
2) Base salary: based on the payroll of Dec. 2008.
3) Staff entitlement: depends on period of his/her service:
a.Whole year service :
0.5 month, the 13.5th bonus will be the half amount as his/her December 2008 payroll
b. 6 months or more:
pro rata based on number of days
c. Less than 6 months :
not entitled
e.g. Staff Y was employed on 01/08/08: not entitled to 13.5th bonus
+++++++++++++++ 经济不景气,有发总比没发好:L 我们年终奖已经泡汤了:cry
一个很简单的理由:经济危机:L 原帖由 Lisa 于 2009-1-9 14:30 发表 static/image/common/back.gif
不会吧...真这么惨:L 我还是自己给自己发吧!:lol 我们从没有发的:cry 打酱油去 路过路过;P