但令人意外的是,2月15日天明以后,法军舰队意外发现“驭远”、“澄庆”两舰自沉在港中,船上官兵已全部撤离。究竟两舰为何自沉,成了一段历史谜案。这里边有两种说法,一说是,“驭远”、“澄庆”两舰被法军击中,也有说是清军自沉。后来朝廷也曾派大员到石浦进行调查,结果是不了了之。 :s5 :s5 :s5 纯送花要扣分的,要送花和送话一起上 第一次听说有这海战 山鹰从哪里得来的这段资料? 原帖由 空子 于 2008-2-25 19:45 发表 static/image/common/back.gif
同问? 是啊,石浦历来是兵家必争之地,战略地位很重要,要不然也不会有这么多的部队 原帖由 空子 于 2008-2-25 19:45 发表 static/image/common/back.gif
上次在中国象山港网站里看到的,就转载过来了,忘记在具体哪个版块了;P 明交屋里向齐许挖宝起类
石浦海战中遭到法国鱼雷艇攻击的“驭远”舰(英国国家海事博物馆收藏,A5236) 舰船资料:木壳兵船,采用铁钉连接捻缝工艺制造。舰长91.44米,宽12.8米,吃水6.4米,排水量2630吨,采用1台立式蒸气机,功率1750马力,航速12节,编制372人。
主要武器: 9寸前膛炮2门,70磅炮24门。
炮舰 江南制造局造,“海安”于1872年5月开工,“驭远”于1873年开工,1873年12月23日下水,1875年冬完工,由徐寿等人设计、监造 。每艘造价318717两银。 本帖最后由 明山飞鹰 于 2010-10-17 16:23 编辑
Battle of Shipu, Sino-French War
This is the second engagement in which French torpedo-craft (鱼雷艇)were used to attack Chinese ships. It may be easy to confuse this with the torpedo attack (鱼雷攻击)during the Battle of Foochow because in that battle, two Chinese ships (including the flagship which has a somewhat similar name to the Yu Yuen) were sunk in the same way. The name of the place is sometimes transliterated differently, such as "Shei-poo".
The relatively well-armed but unprotected Chinese cruisers Kai Chi, Nan Thin and Nan Shuin (alternate spellings are possible) had been acting as a squadron which also included the two lost ships, the Yu Yuen and Teng Ch'ing. According to the description in Wright's "The Chinese Steam Navy" this moderately powerful Chinese squadron confronted the French squadron that had slaughtered the Chinese at Foochow but was still outmatched. The three more modern cruisers were able to retreat north but the two slower wooden ships anchored at Shipu and were trapped there by a blockading force, before the small French spar-torpedo boats were sent in. The Yu Yuen was sunk by torpedo but the Teng Ch'ing may have been scuttled in the chaos of the attack, not successfully sunk by the French.
The Chinese naval defeats were serious in loss of life, but the ships lost here and at Foochow they were mostly obselete. The Chinese army in the meantime managed to stop the French and force a resolution to the colonial war, although France retained control of Indochina and China continued to be militarily ineffective. The once-mighty empire was still unable to prevent European "gunboat diplomacy" from mandating its policies, just as it had during the earlier Opium Wars and other incidents when British and French military power forced the Chinese to accept the operations of manipulative, ruthless and bigoted Christian missionaries and the importation of illegal drugs (imagine a drug-producing nation forcing the USA to accept cocaine shipments by force! And Al-Qaeda missionaries setting up propaganda-spewing "charities" to bribe or trick people into conversion in every town! Shows the value of never losing technological superiority over your nation's rivals).